i hav to say....too bad louisa is not here...T.T
i won alot ehh...
4 times in a row...
i jus love LAMMI-ing wei....^^
should do it again......at UKKKKKK....kaka
hey u....y u take my photo????
2. went for my favourite CHAR-SIEW!!!
苏记 char siew is always the best of the best....
my driveway home.....T.T
long wayyyyyyy....lol
3. baby nephew's 'full moon' celebration!!!!
baby is now 1 month old lo..
so fast....
he is so handsome and getting more and more chubby now...
be4 the guests is here...
a present frm the uncle...舅舅
gotcha baby's 小舅 is stealing the food!!!
after dinner chilling at my room...
lammi again...T.T
but didnt get to play...
it's FULLLL~~~~~
oh ya....
forgot to mention..
i meet new friend too at this night...
it's PUBAI!!!!!!!
aka puiyee's laptop
y pubai??
oh....it's becos the laptop is white..
so putih + bai bai = pubai....=.=
i wan too eh.
cannot resist white..
but i got my blackie d.....nvm...herrrr...
4.baby cut hair day!!!!
bring baby go cut hair today....
fuyohh.......so cute after the haircut...
look even rounder...=.=
good good....i lik round...
grow fatter.....the fatter the better...
so handsome with the hat...
but the hat seems abit small for him...omg
he smiled when he gets his hair cut....=.=
cute la..but weird too......mostly other baby jus cry only..
lol....he like getting hair cut???
round and fat!!!.....lol
5.shop till my leg 'died' day!!!!
after sending baby to a haircut...
went out with puiyee and carrere to shop,
cos i promised her that i'll buy her her party dress
for her bday party....
we decided to shop at bangsar...
as they hav more boutique and more choices there...
i hav to say....
we climb alot of stairs today....and i cant help starting to
wonder...y must all the boutique open at the 1st floor????
frm 3 to 7 smt...
none stop...
i had lost count the amount of dresses puiyee tried on...=.=
some too long, some too loose (she too small size)
some cannot see the butt, some can only see the boobs...
wear white look very innocent, wear red looks lik a walking devil..=.=
but at last we manage to get one nice one....
photo of her with her dress will be uploaded soon after the party....^^
and i bought 2 pieces of cloths today..
not bad...
but carrere's the winner...
out of these 5 bags....
3 of them are carrere's and another 2 is me and py one each..=.=
good one carrere.....lol
dont ask me to lend u a place of my luggage to put all ur stufff.....
finally....after hours of walking and climbing stairs..
i saw heaven when i saw starbucks....=.=
my favourite greentea frap...
tat's it.....
next update will be puiyee's bday.....
till then
p.s i wanna watch 'Ghost of Girlfriend's past'!!!!!!!!!!
i mau tengok!!
bagus....zoom pergi!!!!
minggu depan???
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